sculptures by polly verity

Paper Art & Sculptures

Purely by folding, Polly creates three dimensional geometric repeat patterns in paper.

Light and Shadow

Light hits the surface of these low-relief white paper sculptures and strikingly throws up their form.


Most of the designs are based on straightline folds although many now incorporate or are completely made from folded curves and the outcomes are surprising.


Each sculpture has a unique feel and the works vary, inspired by architectural form, pop-art or nature.


During the design process, a simple paper fold structure is eased into shape by hand into a small piece of paper.

Process 2

The paper is opened out and the crease-lines carefully, mathematically transcribed into a computer line drawing.


As in the ancient tradition of origami, the sculptures are each created by folding a single sheet of paper and there are no cuts.

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Paper Art & Sculptures

Purely by folding, Polly creates three dimensional geometric repeat patterns in paper.

Light and Shadow

Light hits the surface of these low-relief white paper sculptures and strikingly throws up their form.


Each sculpture has a unique feel and the works vary, inspired by architectural form, pop-art or nature.


During the design process, a simple paper fold structure is eased into shape by hand into a small piece of paper.

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Process 2

The paper is opened out and the crease-lines carefully, mathematically transcribed into a computer line drawing.

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Paper Art & Sculptures

Purely by folding, Polly creates three dimensional geometric repeat patterns in paper.


Most of the designs are based on straightline folds although many now incorporate or are completely made from folded curves and the outcomes are surprising.


During the design process, a simple paper fold structure is eased into shape by hand into a small piece of paper.

Paper Art & Sculptures

Purely by folding, Polly creates three dimensional geometric repeat patterns in paper.


Each sculpture has a unique feel and the works vary, inspired by architectural form, pop-art or nature.

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Most of the designs are based on straightline folds although many now incorporate or are completely made from folded curves and the outcomes are surprising.


Each sculpture has a unique feel and the works vary, inspired by architectural form, pop-art or nature.


During the design process, a simple paper fold structure is eased into shape by hand into a small piece of paper.

Process 2

The paper is opened out and the crease-lines carefully, mathematically transcribed into a computer line drawing.
